- Lehi 14th Ward - https://www.lehi14th.com -

Ward News for September 10th

Temple Workers Needed 

If you are interested in helping in the temple see a member of the bishopric for details.  

Relief Society Announcements

Relief Society Meeting

Date: Sunday, September 10th, 2023
Teacher: Sister Anna Robinson
Lesson: “Accessing God’s Power Through Covenants” by Elder Renlund and “Focus on Jesus Christ” by Elder Camargo
Congratulations to Savannah and Brandon Wright on their new baby boy!! 

Stake Women’s Volleyball – Every Thursday from 8:30-9:30 PM. Young women are also invited to come if they would like to join us.
The Old Testament Temple Experience — Is now open and will be continuing in our area until October 12th at 5335 W 11200 N in Highland. It is an opportunity to explore a life-size replica of the Tabernacle from the Old Testament. It is open Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM-9:00 PM and Sundays 5:00 PM-9:00 PM. 

Relief Society Activities — We are excited to welcome our new Relief Society Activities Committee: Eva Thayn — Coordinator, Amber Mattson, Danna Lynn Thomas, Kimberly Healey, Lori Muir, and Paulee Gregory! We are planning to start having activities once a month (the first Wednesday of every month), so it will be consistent and easy to remember. The goal is for us to have opportunities to get to know each other better, learn new things, and serve together. We are looking forward to having these opportunities to grow together. All adult women in our ward are invited and encouraged to join us for all of our activities, whether you serve in Primary, Young Women’s, the library, the nursery, or wherever you may be, we would love to have you come and join us! If you have ideas for activities or you have some skills you would like to teach about or share, please reach out to a member of the activities committee or the Relief Society Presidency. 
Maria Raff — September 4th
Alyza Elkins — September 5th
Savannah Wright — September 12th
Juliane Adams — September 14th
Donalee Evans — September 18th 
Rachel Sharpe — September 22nd
Courtney Phillips — September 27th
Julie Cook — September 27th
Kaitlyn Cook — September 27th 
TeriSue Jackson — September 28th
Sharell Miller — September 30th

Elders Quorum

Date: Sept 10

Supporting Talk: The Imperfect Harvest By Elder Vern P. Stanfill Of the Seventy

Date: Sept 24

Supporting Talk: My Mind Caught Hold upon This Thought of Jesus Christ By Elder Neil L. Andersen

Date: Oct 8

Supporting Talk: One in Christ By Elder D. Todd Christofferson 

Date: Oct 22
Patriarchal Blessings 
Supporting Talk: Your Patriarchal Blessing—Inspired Direction from Heavenly Father By Elder Randall K. Bennett Of the Seventy; When to Receive Your Patriarchal Blessing By Elder Kazuhiko Yamashita Of the Seventy

Young Women’s

Sunday School

September 11th – September 17th 2 Corinthians 1–7 [1] As you study Paul’s letters to the Corinthians, write down some of the gospel principles you discover and ponder how you can apply them in your life.

September 18th – September 24th2 Corinthians 8–13  [2]Recording spiritual impressions will help you remember what you learn during scripture study. You might write in a study journal, make notes in the margins of your scriptures, add notes in your Gospel Library app, or make an audio recording of your thoughts.

September 25th – October 1st Galatians [3]As you read Galatians, record the impressions you receive. Doing so will help you remember and ponder them in the future.

Urgent Need for Senior Service Missionaries

The Pleasant Grove Utah North Field Stake is the agent stake for the American Fork Employment Resource Center (AFERC) that serves the community in our area.  We have an urgent need for senior service missionaries to serve in the center.  We are in need of a minimum of 10 missionaries as soon as possible.The AFERC is flexible in shifts and hours that the senior missionaries work. One six-hour shift (10:00 am – 4:00 pm) once a week is great. Two shifts a week is also welcome. That still leaves adequate time for other church callings, grandkids, temple work, doctor’s appointments or other interests.  When the center is properly staffed, there is no problem covering for those missionaries that need to go on trips, vacations, or attend to other family responsibilities. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have by contacting Elder and Sister Sturgell, our AFERC Managers.Elder and Sister Sturgell  801-230-1899
wel-ec-amerfork@churchofjesuschrist.org [4]

Church Service Mission Opportunities 

BYU-Pathway Worldwide:https://www.byupathway.org/ [5]
Senior Missionary Opportunities:https://seniormissionary.churchofjesuschrist.org/srsite/?lang=eng [6]
Church Service Mission Types:https://seniormissionary.churchofjesuschrist.org/srsite/?lang=eng [7]
If you have questions about BYU-Pathway please reach out to:
Elder and Sister Williams 801-368-6347 cherylandcompany@gmail.com [8]

Temple and Family History

Changes in Temple Scheduling
Members who want to attend the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple to perform proxy ordinances now have the option to either schedule an appointment or attend without an appointment, where space is available.

As priority will be given to members with appointments, those who attend without an appointment may be asked to wait for an opportunity to participate. As it has always been, appointments will still be necessary for all members who come to receive their own ordinances (endowment and sealing).

You are encouraged to attend the temple as often as your circumstances allow.

Temple Research

The 1950 U.S. Federal Census will finally be available on April 1, 2022. On that day, you can begin exploring the unique details captured in this mid-century modern record collection. Another reason to mark your calendar—on April 1st a massive volunteer project to make those images searchable for free on FamilySearch will begin. Plan now to join the fun! See the link below for details:

https://www.familysearch.org/1950census/ [9]

Missionaries Serving in Our Ward

Elder Nathan Joseph Wright
Canada, Montreal Mission
Email [10]
Elder Adam Jones
Columbia, Bogota South Mission
Email [11]
Elder Bryce Greene
Portugal, Lisbon Mission
Email [12]
Sister Alayna Kirkham
Massachusetts, Boston Mission
Email [13]
Sister Amelia Jade Mulford [14]
Colorado Springs Mission
Email [14]
Elder Jacob Muir
Kentucky, Louisville Mission
Email [15]
[16]Email [16]

Elder Braxton Loveridge
Texas, San Antonio
Email [17]
Elder McKay Clark
Charlotte, North Carolina
Email [18]
Elder Bryton Lee
Cincinnati, Ohio Mission
Email [19]
Email [20]

Digital calendar of ward activities can be found at http://lds.org/calendar [21]